Monday, August 13, 2007

Permission Marketing Made Remarkable

I ran across a service recently. The concept is pretty cool, but not the easiest to explain. As simply as I can put it, a reward program called HomePerks. Builders or Realtors or your gardener could sign up and start giving their customers or prospects HomePerks. These are in the for of points (HomePerks) and you can spend them on gifts or give them to friends. Okay, I think I yawned too. The company putting it on is a business partner and I would probably sit through a demo, but a lot of people would not. I not only went there on my own, signed up, surveyed the website, explored how the program works, and even found a few things to potentially buy. Let me share with you how they got me to do it. It was one of the best permission marketing examples I have seen.

The sales guy, let’s call home Brian, sends me an online certificate for 500 HomePerks with the promise that I can register in 60 seconds and redeem them for over 1,500 products. Well what do I do, on my own I go to the site (a very fine site by the way), register (generating a “Lead” for the person giving the Perks), and shop a bit. Slick, but no so slick as to turn you off. All I can say is, what a cool way to get a registration or generate a lead. Still a tough concept to sell, but remarkable permission marketing might help.


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